Breeding commission

One of the main tasks of the Breeding Commission is the control and surveillance of breeding. For this task, the breeding rules and regulations of the Animal Protection Act apply. The Commission is available to breeders for questions about pairing and advises them in all other breeding issues.
Another object of the Breeding Commission is the informing of the Executive Board of decisions which lie within the competence of the breeding committee and proposals to the Board for submission to the General Assembly. The current tasks and decisions are handled at regular meetings.
The Breeding Commission organizes regular surveys and training for breeders and other interested parties.
The individual objects are defined within the Breed Commission and held in a separate specification. The Breeding Commission is represented on the board of the Swiss St. Bernard Club through its president.

Breeding supervisor

Manuela Del Medico
Wurfstättekontrollen (de | fr | it) | Contrôle de la mise bas (all | fr | it)

Members of the Breeding Commission